What is a GPON?
A simple guide to GPONTalk to us about your GPON project today
Our expert team can help you with your GPON requirements.What is a Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON)?
A gigabit passive optical network (GPON) is currently the leading form of Passive Optical Networks. GPON is a point-to-multipoint access network enabling one single fibre connection to serve multiple end-users with multiple technology.
GPON Fundamentals
How does it work?Optical fibre networks operate on different passive optical network (PON) standards. A PON is a network system specific to fibre technology that delivers broadband network access to your home, business or end-points. One of many PON standards is GPON.
GPON is a point-to-mulipoint access network. The main characteristic of GPON is that it uses passive splitters in the fibre optic distribution network (ODN). This allows one single feeding fiber from the service provider to serve multiple homes, businesses or end-points.
A GPON system consists of an optical line terminal (OLT) that connects several optical network terminals (ONTs/ONUs) together using a passive optical distribution network (ODN).

Why use a GPON?
Reports let you easily track and analyze your product sales, orders, and payments.
Across the globe, business's, cities and countries are updating their infrastructure by installing a GPON solution.
It is proven beyond doubt that a GPON solution can deliver a better user experience: higher bandwidth capacity; substantial short term and long term cost savings; safer, faster, greener, space saving and future proofed technology when compared to a traditionally Cat 6 or 6a Enterprise solution.
It’s never been more important to invest in a future-proof network that supports innovation and growth, and with a GPON solution which is proven globally, the future of cable network infrastructure is already here.
Fibre-to-the-Premises on the nbn™ network currently operates on the GPON networking protocol
There are multiple kinds of optical distribution networks in the world and the curent NBN FTTP technology uses a Gigabit Passive Optical Networking (GPON) system connecting more than 2.4 million homes with lightning fast internet.